Analytic Physics
a website devoted to exploring the analytic aspects of physics

Physics has been an analytical science since the era of Laplace, Lagrange and Hamilton in the sense that its results are expressed using calculus and differential equations. The structure of physics also allows it to be an analytic science by continuous and complex extension of its components. On this website, spaces are allowed to be of arbitrary continuous dimension, exponents of functions are allowed to be arbitrary real numbers, and classical phase spaces are allowed to have complex extensions, all for the purpose of understanding more of the deep structure of physics.

The mathematics on this website is encoded using MathML and is best viewed with a fully standards-compliant browser: that means Firefox. MathML support in Safari is not as complete as Firefox and has only recently returned to Chromium, so for all browsers other than Firefox MathJax is used for rendering.

A particular focus of this website is interactive mathematics rendered in the browser. This is achieved as much as possible using pure JavaScript, some of whose more modern features may not work in older browsers. Special functions and common numerical operations are processed using Math, while interactive cells are implemented with MathCell.

Here are some interesting and balanced comments on how one goes about learning physics, as well as a comprehensive set of links to publicly available resources. If you want to know about me, here you go.

Contact for questions or comments:

Paul Masson — Independent Physicist — San Francisco